Monday, March 14, 2022

Buried Alive by Donnette Smith

 When your sixth sense speaks, believe it.

      As a clairvoyant, Jenna Langley has foreseen her fair share of murder. But the night she is haunted by visions of a woman buried alive in a makeshift casket, nothing prepares her for the chilling reality that the victim she saw in her vision is herself.

Having survived a recent tragedy, and now tasked with the duty of planning her wedding, everyone attributes Jenna's disturbing dreams to stress. Even her fiancé does his best to convince her she is perfectly safe.

But someone wants revenge and Jenna is the target of that obsession. Her only hope for survival is if her fiancé, Detective Cole Rainwater, can root out who wants her dead before time runs out.

 Wild Women Authors is pleased to welcome back author Donnette Smith as she celebrates the release of Buried Alive, book 2 in her Spirit Walker series. With Donnette is business consultant, Jenna Langley who will go first.

Good morning, Jenna. Thanks for taking time away from your wedding, parenting your terrific daughter, and your new business to talk with us. Let’s start with where you’re from. Farmersville Texas.

Tell us a bit about Book 2 of the Spirit Walker Series, Buried Alive – The title says a lot, let me tell you. I end up 6 feet under the ground, and it all starts with a terrifying vision I have of being buried alive just as me and my fiancé, Cole Rainwater, are finally planning our wedding, after all we’d gone through in book 1, Killing Dreams. But this time the clock is literally ticking off the minutes of my life, and if Cole can’t find out where I’m buried before my time is up, I’ll suffocate in a pine box, and no one will ever discover the whereabouts of my lifeless body.

What did you think the first time you saw Cole? The word annoying fits the bill. We were fifteen years old, and he thought he was so cool with the way he purposely nudged me from behind while I stood in the concession stand line at the rodeo.   

Typical adolescent male ploy. What was your second thought? He really wanted my phone number, and he followed me around until I finally gave in to him. He was either a psycho stalker, or more persistent than the usual guy. Honestly, I sorta knew he was the latter. And that was okay with me. Any boy who vies that hard for my attention was worth at least one date.  

Did you feel it was love at first sight? The sparks didn’t fly until our first date. I remember we were at a teenage get-together, sitting on the tailgate of his truck, staring at a moonlit, star speckled sky. He leaned in to kiss me, and when he did, I was smitten.

What do you like most about Cole? He is so protective of me. Sometimes it feels like a bit much. But I know I’m always safe with him. And I love the way he always knows how I’m feeling, and just what to do to lift my spirits. He’s got such a big heart and I’ve never felt so loved by anyone as much as I am by him.

How would you describe him? Handsome as a devil and smart. He’s a homicide detective, and I can tell you, there’s not much that gets past him. He’s a great dad too. I’m amazed at how good he is with our daughter Emily, especially since he’d only recently discovered he was her father. Family is everything to him. And he would lay down his life for me and Emily without a second thought. I swear that man can read my mind. I don’t know how he does it.  

How would Cole describe you? I’d bet he would say I’m fiercely independent, and too headstrong for my own good.

What made you choose business consulting as a career? I come from a background of running my own company. When it sold, I decided to help others do the same. Let’s just say, it’s something I have a knack for, and I thoroughly enjoy doing it.

What is your biggest fear? Losing Cole again, now that I finally found him after being away from him for ten years. Somewhere, deep inside, I have this fear that he will decide living with a psychic day in and day out is just too much. Life is different with someone like me. And although I want more than anything for him to accept what I am, sometimes I feel as if it lays a heavy burden at his feet. Cole is the strongest man I’ve ever met. But there is that thought in the back of my mind that one day, perhaps, contending with my clairvoyant abilities will ultimately push him away.

How do you relax? My office is my fortress. For me, there’s nothing more satisfying than the peace and quiet that awaits me when I step through the door. Yes, it’s work, but I’m totally in my element there. And then, there’s my time alone with Cole, just the two of us, curled up on the couch watching TV together. That’s when I’m at my most comfortable.

Who is your favorite fictional character? Believe it or not, Nicolas Cage…and not only because he’s a badass. Well, he is. But his role in the movie, Next, reminds me so much of myself. He can see events minutes before they occur, and he struggles with his ability. Is it a curse or a blessing? I constantly ask myself the same question.  

What is the best piece of advice you ever received? If doing something requires a mountain of convincing, maybe doing it isn’t the right course of action.

Thanks for taking time out for us, Jenna. Now we’d like to chat with Donnette.

What movies or books have had an impact on your career as a writer? Good question. They say all writers are shaped by other writes in some way. This is true. John Grisham would be my first pick. I love the way he gets to the point. And I admire his technique for drawing the reader into his stories. My second pick is Dean Koontz, who is like night and day to Grisham. Koontz takes his time. His passion for words is obvious. But this author knows how to build on his characters. Even the serial killers have a colorful background with well displayed emotions. I don’t think any other author can get you as involved in the inner thoughts of a madman like Koontz can.

What event in your private life were you able to bring to this story and how do you feel it impacted the novel? I have lived in a small, country town in Texas for more than half my life. I raised my kids in this small town. I know a lot about country living, and what life is like growing up in rural America. This helped me to bring a rural feel to the Spirit Walker Series. Cole is a smalltown detective, working for the local police department. And Jenna is a country girl, raised up wearing cowboy boots and attending Friday night football at the high school.

Tell us a bit about your publisher: how did you hear about them and what influenced your decision to submit to them? I learned about TWRP right after I’d received a contract from another publisher for my second book, Cunja. After researching TWRP, I liked what I saw and heard from other writers, and I decided when I got around to writing my third novel, I would submit to them. I did, and here I am with my first ever series.   

What book[s] currently rest on your TBR pile? My mother just visited for a few weeks. That woman can read a book a day, no problem. She left me with a stack. First up is, The Earl’s Complete Surrender, by Sophie Barnes. I haven’t completed it yet. But I’m working on it. There’s something about reading and writing that doesn’t mix well for me. I have a difficult time doing both at the same time. It’s the distraction that gets me. It seems all I do is write anymore, so…it’s going to be awhile.

Last, what's up next and when can we expect to see it on the shelves? I’m nearly finished with the 3rd book of the Spirit Walker Series, The Stolen. This time our tenacious, little psychic, Jenna Langley is up against a human trafficking ring who kidnap her. After what happened to her in book 2, Buried Alive, her clairvoyant abilities have altered, allowing her to see people who have died, but have not moved on. When she begins to get frequent visits from a dead girl who just so happens to have once been a captive of the people holding Jenna hostage, it soon becomes apparent if she wishes to survive this latest horror, she will need to rely on the guidance of this dead girl.

To learn more about Donnette Smith and the stories she creates, go to:





To purchase Buried Alive, go to:


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