Sunday, January 10, 2021

The Sea Archer

 When opposites meet, the attraction is undeniable—but Fate has other plans.

 Wild Women Authors is pleased to feature The Sea Archer a 2018 release out of the Fantasy Rose line for the Wild Rose Press, written by Jeny Heckman. First up is musician Raven Hunter.

 Good morning, Raven. Thank you for spending time with us today. Thank you so much for having me, the honor is completely mine.

You’ve won many awards over a career that began nearly two decades ago. We notice you’ve made a drastic change in your appearance. What prompted the change to the classic blonde hairstyle and lighter makeup? Actually, this is the real me. I’m originally a blue-eyed blonde hair. After I met my ex-husband, Donovan, who was a leader in the industry, I naturally deferred to him. At some point I lost my voice, my appearance, my brand and the songs I sang.

We understand you’re on a short hiatus in Kauai, Hawaii. What’s up with that? I wanted a total break. Something that removed me from all the old ways of doing things, including my living environment. Donovan managed me for three years before we married. Now that the marriage has been over for a year and our divorce official, the one thing I truly understand is I don’t want him managing me anymore. So, I’ve come here to decide on what the next chapter of my life looks like.

Should we look forward to a new sound? I think you can look forward to a new everything

Without giving too much away, it appears you have a new man in your life. Is he part of the music industry? Could you be staying in Hawaii? At this point, anything is possible. And yes, I recently met a wonderful man, and no, thank God he is totally out of the music industry. He’s a marine biologist who studies the endangered Hawaiian Monk Seals.

To find out you’re the descendants of Apollo and Poseidon has to feel like you’ve slipped into some crazy vortex. It’s definitely not something I thought I’d ever have to face in. my lifetime. Meeting Finn and his Grandmother Dee has definitely sent me down a fantastical path. However, here we are and now have a serious job to do. If we can get all these strangers on board with the quest or if just one of the real gods are caught. We’ll all begin to see things happen on this earth that will make 2020 look like a mild inconvenience. It's serious and the road ahead is going to be challenging.

Thank you so much for taking this quick break with us. It’s my pleasure. Be careful out there and thanks for the support.

 To purchase, The Sea Archer, go to:


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 To learn more about Jeny Heckman, the power behind The Sea Archer, as well as other books she has created, go to:  


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  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Jennifer! Love doing character interviews.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Judy! Best wishes to you too. It's so fun creating a conversation as a character.

  3. Interesting interview! I'll have to check out the book.

  4. Thank you Ilona! Please let me know how you liked it after you've read it.
