Monday, November 22, 2021

Kisses and Lemon Snowflake Cookies

 Return to Cedar Bend, CO and meet . . .

Fireman Dustin Keith [who] didn't realize women would be coming out of the woodwork after he posed for the local fundraiser calendar. But the one who catches his eye is a baker with trust issues. Can he scale the wall she's built around her heart, or is fate destined to extinguish the flames of desire before they engulf his heart?

[And] Lauren Badini [who] came to Cedar Bend to lend a helping hand at her aunt's bakery, not fall for Mr. July. The image on the calendar she received last Christmas fueled her fantasies, but the in-person version is too hot to handle. But if life after her ex has taught her anything, it's okay to look...but don't touch.

 Wild Women Authors welcomes back N. Jade Gray who celebrates the release of Kisses and Lemon Snowflake Cookies, one of the current releases from the Wild Rose Press’ Christmas Cookie series.  First up is firefighter Dustin Keith.

Thanks for taking time out of your schedule at the station, Dustin. We appreciate it.

Let’s begin with where you’re from. Cedar Bend, Colorado.

What did you think the first time you saw Lauren Badini? Truthfully, my first wasn’t about Lauren but rather if she was in danger because I thought the bakery was on fire.

What was your second thought? This woman is trouble.

Was it love at first sight? Not exactly. But there was definitely a pull of attraction.

What do you like most about her? Her spunk and humor.

How would you describe Lauren? She makes me tingle whenever I’m near her.

Tingling works for us. How would she describe you? She thinks I’m quiet. But I know she likes my muscles/body. I think she secretly oogles my picture in the fireman calendar.

What made you choose firefighting for a career? I stumbled onto the gig and I found that I’m good at it.

What is your biggest fear? Impossible/dangerous fires.

How do you relax? I spend time with my friends. Not sure how relaxing, but my friends and I get together for a game night at least once a month.

Who is your favorite fictional character? I’m not much of a reader. But I do enjoy stories about pirates.

What is the best piece of advice you ever received? Live life like someone left the gate open. I’m not sure when I first heard that expression, but I like it.

Dustin, thanks for spending time with us and thanks also for bringing an excerpt for us.

 She frowned and pivoted to ask who Fred was, but screamed instead. A donkey stood in the kitchen nibbling on the burnt gingerbread men.

Dustin lunged for the animal’s halter. “Gotcha. You little miscreant.” A loud bray echoed around the kitchen as the donkey jerked backward and started backpedaling out the door. “Help. Snatch the other side of his halter.”

She made a grab for the animal, but her feet snagged on Dustin’s booted foot, and she fell, bringing him down with her. A loud oof escaped as he landed on top of her. Their gazes locked as he laughed and shook his head. “Are you always this much trouble?”

Words failed her. His body lay across hers, and the feeling was oh so pleasurable. What was his question?

The smile on his lips slipped as his gaze lowered to rest upon her lips. Time stalled as he leaned in and gently brushed her mouth with his own.

The burnt cookie aroma drifted into oblivion as her senses focused on the caress of his firm lips. Pure bliss. A sigh escaped as she looped a hand around his neck and returned the kiss.

“Oh my.” The gasp came from a short distance away.

Startled, Lauren wrenched her lips from his. A peek around his muscular shoulder proved her aunt stood in the kitchen observing her with wide eyes.

“Um. I guess you don’t need my help opening the bakery.”

Now for a chat with our guest, N. Jade Gray:

What movies or books have had an impact on your career as a writer? I enjoy romantic comedies, a mixture of the mushy stuff and humor. And if I enjoy the movie or book there is a good chance I’ve watched or read it more than five times. J

Tell us a bit about your publisher: how did you hear about them and what influenced your decision to submit to them? I have been with The Wild Rose Press since 2017 and Kisses and Lemon Snowflake Cookies is my fourth story to be published by them. When I heard the publisher was calling for submissions for a Cookies series this holiday season I thought of Josie’s Delights and Dustin Keith from last year’s Tangled in Tinsel [holiday] story. Dustin had been bugging me anyway to tell his story. The bugging paid off with this season’s novella Kisses and Lemon Snowflake Cookies.

What book[s] currently rest on your TBR pile? I’ll soon be digging into the other authors publishing their Cookie stories from Wild Rose Press. I’m hoping not to gain as many pounds reading about cookies as consuming them.

Lastly, what's up next and when can we expect to see it on the shelves? My husband and I moved from Kansas to Missouri this year and this interrupted my creative juices for a bit, but I’ve been working on a summer read and hope to wrestle the story into some semblance of order to present for publication next year.

 To learn more about N. Jade Gray, go to:



To purchase Kisses and Lemon Snowflake Cookies, go to:



  1. Love the excerpt - this sounds like such a fun book. I am enjoying the WRP cookie series and have read several already. I can't wait to check out your book!

  2. Cute character interview, and those lemon cookies sound yummy!
