Monday, September 16, 2024

Autumn's Summer by Felicity Talisman

 Great loves come and go, profound ones mark your soul, in ways that take the rest of your lifetime to comprehend.

What if you were given up for adoption NOT because your mother didn't want you, but because she was trying to protect you from a curse?

A mysterious package is delivered by Richard’s solicitors one year after his wife Autumn’s death. What he expected to find, he didn’t know, but he would never have guessed in a million years what was about to unfold.

A beautiful leather-bound diary written in his wife’s hand contains many secrets; that his lonely empty-nester wife’s life changed profoundly after a purely-by-chance meeting in, of all places, a normal, mundane, corner grocery store. She embarks on a voyage of discovery with the spiritualist, Summer, to find new meaning to her life, that, once commenced, transports her to realms and dimensions she never knew existed.

He also learns of a heart-breaking secret she kept from him until after her death.

 Wild Women Authors features Autumn’s Summer a recent release by author Felicity Talisman. Accompanying the author today is Autumn who will go first.

Good norming, Autumn. Let’s begin with where you are from. Sammamish Lake, Washington State.

Tell us a bit about Autumn’s Summer. Unexpected moments come, sometimes once in a lifetime. Unfortunately, not when planned or expected. That’s the magic and the beauty of them. Moments that can change your entire outlook on life and your self. That is what happened to myself when I met Summer.

What did you think the first time you saw her? Something inside jumped as I turned to stare for the first time into soft blue eyes of her oceanic depths like she had reached into my soul and pulled out everything that had been there unclaimed, unwanted and possessed it with her passions. I stared into her eyes as rivers ran into me, through me, waves thundered into the cliffs of my existence. Journeys never traversed in this lifetime, but I’ve dwelled in others, calling to this life in the serenade of water splashing on my canoe or the dust of an old country road humming along the heat of a summer’s morning. As you can tell, I was literally stunned.

What was your second thought? I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t talk or visit her again. My life had no meaning at the time. I was an empty nester, with no use to my life except to live up to others needs. By meeting her she would change my life in ways I had absolutely no conception of. It scared me to the core. Only did I really want to be like the old couple I saw in the store, miserable with each other and not wanting to change their lives to find deeper love or meaning?

Do you feel it was love at first sight? Yes, later I did. But realizations come later in moments of quietness and solitude. Also, the realization that I didn’t want to admit I was attracted to another woman hit rather hard and nor did I truly want to admit to it.

What do you like most about Summer? She was everything I wasn’t. Everything I wanted to be. Open, fulfilled and knowing what my life purpose was and living it.

How would you describe her? She looked radiant and wore that soft red lipstick, the kind that begged to be kissed, and those deep blue eyes that stunned me like someone seeing the pyramids for the first time or staring down at Machu Picchu, marveling at the engineering amidst the stunning backdrop of nature’s regal majesty or looking into the eyes of a Madonna like the painting of Mona Lisa. Long blonde hair with only part on one side braided. Begging me to touch it asking why only the one side?

How would Summer describe you? Closed, kind, sincere, yet like that oyster shell begging to be opened to find the pearl within and coaxing it out. Knowing it was there waiting to stun all before it.

What made you choose motherhood over a career outside the home?

I had no career. I wanted to become a journalist, only I got pregnant and looking after my two kids, who I loved more than anything else took over. Their love for me also rewarded me in ways that made feel fulfilled. My husband was very successful and looked after our and my needs very well. Only once the children were gone did I realize I’d give up everything I said I wanted to be and simply made others more important than myself.

What is your biggest fear? Finding out who I am and what I truly want.

How do you relax? Usually by taking our dog for long walks around the lake.

Who is your favorite fictional character? Red Sonya by Robert E. Howard. A woman that could battle and challenge men and surpass them in cunning and skill. Confident in herself and her sexuality.

What is the best piece of advice you ever received? This from Summer after our first meditation session together.

“There’s a question in your soul.”

“Yes, I’ve had dreams. How do you know?”

“I said this last time. That’s why I call myself psychic and that’s why you are here.”

She probably said that to everyone, I thought. A sincere smile spread across her face as if she’d just read that thought and I could feel a blush crossing mine. What was it about her that attracted me beyond the fact that she was self-confident?

“I see skepticism in your soul. Now give me your hand and I shall remove any doubt that I can enrich your life.”

Thank you for that, Autumn. Now we’d like to chat with Felicity.

What movies or books have had an impact on your career as a writer? For movies, I’d choose Out of Africa, the profound journey of this woman who meets a man that goes against everything she believes in, yet compels her to become a stronger, better woman than she thought possible. Also, the way she viewed the native Africans and their beliefs and way of thinking so different from hers. And, Finding Forester, about a black man who tries to hide what he loves, which is writing and that goes against everything in his community. He is struggling to become a great basketball player. So tries to hide it until he befriends a man that has written a best-selling classic but is a recluse. They eventually help each other, become friends and better people in order to fulfill their lives.

          As for books, I love Robert E. Howard, how he weaves you into his stories, setting mood, tone, pitch. Almost in the first line or paragraph. Also Alan Burt Akers, a great fantasy writer and Charles de Lint, same. And Bridges Of Madison County, by James Waller. How he weaves love, almost like poetry and lovemaking into his work, still leaves me breathless.

Is there an event in your private life that you were able to bring to this story and how do you feel it impacted the novel? I did the Context series which is about finding meaning in your life and your driving needs. It also opens your eyes to finding out what different personality types there are out there and I use that when writing a new character in my novels.

Tell us a bit about your publisher: how did you hear about them and what influenced your decision to submit to them? I had been with three different publishers before and choose to self-publish this novel after several publishing houses didn’t accept it. I also had an idea of what I wanted the novel to be about and what the cover should look like.

What book[s] currently rest on your TBR pile? I have several non-fiction books on the subject of unexplained phenomena. One of the four novels I’m working on is going to be my first non-fiction book titled, “Trust Me, I Didn’t Make This S**T Up.” About profound unaccepted archaeological discoveries. 

Last, what's up next and when can we expect to see it on the shelves? I have an erotica novel to be released in January by The Wild Rose Press, titled, “What’s A Lady Got To Do To Fulfill Her Life?” I’ve also finished Book Two in my Seeds Of Ascension Series: Gateways. That should be out by the end of the year. I’m also working on a life history novel about my sister Debbie’ battles with schizophrenia, called, “Please Don’t Call Me Crazy”. And I’m in the middle of Book Three of the Ainsworth Chronicle: Into The Darkside, about female lead detective, Carol Ainsworth and her quirky, psychic helper Agnes Van Lunt, better known as Ms. Teak. This will be out next year.  

To purchase Autumn’s Summer go to:

To learn more about today’s feature author, Felicity Talisman, aka Frank Talaber, go to:



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