Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Undercover Babymoon

 …A babymoon provides parents-to-be—Wes and Minka Avery—the opportunity to unwind from preparing for the new addition and enjoy some pampering In the case of police detective Minka she gets to catch a killer...

 Wild Women Authors are thrilled to feature author Karina Bartow as she celebrates the release of Undercover Babymoon book 4 in her Undefe(a)ted Detective series out of the Crimson Rose line for the Wild Rose Press. With Karina is Wes Avery, domestic partner and intrepid supporter of police detective, Minka Avery. He’ll go first.

Welcome, Wes. Thanks for taking time to speak with us. Let’s begin with you telling us a bit about Undercover Babymoon. The book follows my wife, Minka, and her investigation into the suspicious death of a cruise ship worker. Though he met his demise in Orlando, where she and my brother are police detectives, they began to believe he was involved in a shady operation on the ship. Naturally, then, we boarded the vessel as regular tourists. Minka insisted I keep my cover simple as just her baby daddy, but I took on whatever alias suited the mission.

What made you choose teaching for a profession? My brother would tell you all the crime-fighting skills went to him, which I’ll let readers decide. Jokes aside, I enjoy helping people through education. Minka and I met when we were kids, and since I observed her challenges as a deaf child, I was drawn to want to reach out to the deaf community. I applied to schools for the deaf after I earned my degree. It fulfills me to be a mentor to my deaf students and show them they're not alone. 

Knowing what you know now, if you had it to do over again, would you stick with being a teacher or do something different? I’d definitely stick with it, but I’m still not ruling out a side hustle with the FBI if Quantico ever recruits me.

Hah! What is your biggest fear? Proving my wife right!

Who is your favorite fictional character and why? Pistachio Disguisey from “The Master of Disguise” because I admire his ingenuity and the way he can transform into different characters. Like me, all of his unconventional schemes are done in the best interests of his family. 

What is the best piece of advice you ever received? Just because you have to grow older doesn’t mean you have to grow up!

 Thanks again for spending time with us, Wes. Now we’d like to chat with Karina.

Good morning! Let’s begin with which writer or character[s], from either books or movies, [or both] have had a major impact on your writing? I was a big fan of “Castle” when it was on the air. Rick Castle appealed to me as both a successful author and a mischief-maker at crime scenes. Wes definitely took some cues from him!   

With regard to research, where did you start for this novel? Did that lead you down different paths, thereby changing the original concept? When it came to the cruise concept itself, I had a bit of personal experience to draw off of, given I had the privilege of going on one as a teenager. Even so, I researched a good deal about the staff and their different duties, and I looked up menus to try to make the dinner table scenes authentic. I’d heard ships have morgues, so I researched that, too, but couldn’t find a believable way to implement it once I considered the facts. Of course, the brunt of my research pertained to the killer’s method of operation, but I can’t get into that!

Tell us a bit about your publisher. I’ve been honored to work with The Wild Rose Press on three of my last books, including the past two installments of The Unde(a)feated Detective Series. That history made Undercover Babymoon a natural fit for me and apparently them, with my fantastic editor accepting it one day after I submitted my query!

What are you reading right now? Of Manners and Murder by Anastasia Hastings.

What's next for you? My current work in progress is a mysterious love story of sorts. The majority of it takes place in Alaska, so I'm doing a one-eighty, from the Caribbean to the Artic!

To learn more about Karina Bartow and the stories she creates go to: and:

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