Friday, March 21, 2025

Scandalous in Huntington Beach

               Sparks fly when a feminist and a politician inherit a rundown B&B. . . and a baby.

Wild Women Authors focus on Scandalous in Huntington Beach, written by Melody DeBlois as part of the Love is a Beach series, released by the Wild Rose Press.

About the Book: As a senate hopeful for the State of California, Bennett Browning knows nothing about babies. When his former girlfriend dies and leaves him with a daughter he knew nothing about, he’s left scrambling until he meets Emma Kuan, his daughter’s aunt, who volunteers to be the nanny.

Emma is used to keeping secrets. She and her sister have always hidden their tragic past, but she’s stunned her sister hid the baby even from her. After meeting her niece, who captures her heart, she will do anything to be with her, even living with a stranger.

Worried about potential scandal, Bennett and Emma juggle jobs, living arrangements, and parenting until a doctor gives them bad news about their baby girl—and forcing their priorities to change drastically.

An Excerpt:

Bennett had that do-gooder thing going for him—she’d give him that. His kindness at her sister’s burial service wasn’t lost on her. She’d noticed, too, that he was handsome, but he seemed unaware of it. His dark hair went all curly in the rain, and his sultry brown eyes were at once sympathetic and then suddenly full of something she couldn’t quite name.

She respected him for all he’d done for L.A.’s troubled youth. He’d built a rec center, organized youth sports teams, and for a short time practiced law—working mostly pro bono. Before he became a senatorial nominee, he’d mentored small business owners. True, his accomplishments impressed her. Who wouldn’t be taken in by all he'd done? But all this didn’t mean he welcomed becoming a single dad.

Then, unexpectedly, he pulled something from a shopping bag.

“Aww,” she couldn’t help but say at the sight of the snuggly teddy bear.

“I had a moment this morning and saw this in a shop window.” A helpless expression spread over his face. “Do you think Madelynn will like it?”

Emma’s chest felt as if it would burst. Still, she’d just composed herself when someone knocked at the door. A thick-figured woman introduced herself as Riley Morgan while trying to contain the squirming baby in her arms.

Emma’s heart melted at the sight of her niece.

“Fingers that reminded Emma of her sister’s extended from the sleeves of a ruffly pink dress. Eyes, the same chocolate brown as her daddy’s, thickly lashed and alert, took in her new surroundings, her thumb in her mouth.”

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A Bit About Our Focus Author: Melody DeBlois lives in Sacramento (the City of Trees). She writes romance novels. She’s partial to poetry, sun, rain, strong coffee, and her writing room surrounded by books. Besides California, she and her late husband lived part-time in a condo in Oregon overlooking the Pacific. That gave her a love for beach towns and whale-watching and sunsets—all the things that inspire the Love is a Beach series. The writing process fascinates her, the alchemy of layering and developing characters, the tinkering with language. There’s so much to treasure in the world: family, friends, and those random, everyday moments that make life grand. She hopes to give her readers all of that.

Find Melody online at:

Monday, March 17, 2025

This Wicked City by Michael Walsh

Wild Women Authors feature author Michael Walsh and This Wicked City, book 3 in the Ocean Park series, a contemporary police procedural, published by the Wild Rose Press.

About the Book: Crime and corruption are rising in Ocean Park, a tired factory town in northern Massachusetts. The police and fire departments are no help—they're staging a work slowdown to protest a pay freeze caused by city budget cuts.

Police Detective Matt Conley is disgusted with the dereliction of duty, and when tasked with solving the murder of a young Haitian immigrant, he infuriates the force by teaming with the victim's friend Emmanuel to find the killer. They encounter an enterprising family of Voudou worshipers, a ruthless real estate magnate, and a clever, love-struck arsonist in their search for justice. This Wicked City is a mystery powered by its characters' struggles with love, loyalty, and sacrifice.

Good morning, Matt Conley. Let’s begin with you telling us what made you choose law enforcement for a career. Giveback, pure and simple. I grew up in Ocean Park, the best city in the world. It has a beautiful seashore, one of the largest municipal wooded reservations in the country and is a short ride to the cultural and sports mecca of Boston. O-P has problems like every city, but it’s filled with people who value love, loyalty, and sacrifice.

Knowing what you know now, if you had it to do over again, would you stick with being a cop or do something different? I toyed with law and politics, but to be honest with you, those two professions seem to be the root of Ocean Park’s problems. Go figure.

What is your biggest fear? That the bad guys win, that I let down friends and family, and the place I love becomes a battleground.

Who is your favorite fictional character and why? Andy Dufresne, the maligned protagonist of Stephen King’s brilliant novella Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption. Andy’s smart, tough, and – most importantly – insanely hopeful and optimistic.

What is the best piece of advice you ever received? A boss that I respected once told me that I didn’t realize how talented I was. I think that goes for all of us. We doubt ourselves and spend too much of our lives worrying about it - at least the humble ones do.

Thank you for spending time with us, Matt. Now we’d like to speak with your creator, Michael Walsh.

Which writer or character[s], from either books or movies, have had an impact on your writing? Authors Dennis Lehane, Stephen King, and John D. MacDonald influenced me greatly. All of them create characters you can identify with. They put you there in the story, and make you care about the characters. All of them deliver on their promise to make you vicariously walk with their characters. Those authors make you laugh, worry, marvel, and even cry sometimes.

With regard to research, where did you start for this novel? Did that lead you down different paths, thereby changing the original concept? Haitian Voudou, arson, and love were the cornerstones. Those story elements are central themes in This Wicked City. Action and conflict drive good fiction, and This Wicked City has plenty of both. I spent a lot of time polishing the story, and reviewers say that it shows.

Tell us a bit about your publisher. I researched and queried hundreds of publishers. The submission process is clean, easy, and relatively quick. The Wild Rose Press is a great publisher, professional and supportive. They’ve been doing this for a long time and have kept disciplined in a crazy, ever-changing business. It took about three months to get my finished product scheduled for release, which gave me time to put together the marketing plan.

What are you reading right now? A Private Cathedral by James Lee Burke. He’s one of the best writers today, and reading his books are both enjoyable and like a writing class.

What’s next for you? The Ocean Park Mystery series continues with the fourth installment – The Fall of Ocean Park will test Matt Conley’s will with the Dark Web, criminal social media influencers, temptation, and a secret that could end his marriage.

What others are saying about This Wicked City:

“Walsh successfully creates a vibrant setting and memorable main players. His depiction of Ocean Park is strong and clear, quickly revealing a failing factory town that’s trying desperately to reclaim its former glory” Kirkus Reviews

To purchase This Wicked City, go to:  54L (Amazon) (Barnes and Noble) (Kobo) (Google) (Apple)


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Friday, March 14, 2025

Return to Victoria Island by Karen Andover

              Trust is Everything.

Wild Women Authors focus on Return to Victoria Island, a contemporary romantic suspense written by Karen Andover, released by the Wild Rose Press on March 5, 2025.


About the Book: When hardworking accountant Ava Morrison is passed over for her dream promotion, she is disappointed. But when her employer gives her two weeks to sign a high-value client or be fired, she is devastated. Then she is reminded of the upcoming boat show on Victoria Island, a picturesque vacation retreat off the coast of Florida—and the perfect place to recruit wealthy businesspeople.

Someone is stealing from property developer Jack Rutledge, and he needs the help of a discreet accountant. He asks Ava to audit his company books and in return he will introduce her to potential clients. But soon things turn dangerous. As their partnership becomes personal, it could add up to love or a fatal miscalculation.


An Excerpt:

 “Speaking on behalf of everyone on the management team, we wanted you to know how much we value your dedication and achievements.” Lines around Maggie’s mouth creased as she pursed her lips.

“Having said that”—she peeked at her watch before she continued—“unfortunately, we don’t think you’re the best qualified candidate for the job. And so, we wanted to let you know we have selected another candidate for the position.”


The butterflies in Ava’s stomach dropped like an out-of-control roller coaster cresting the top and rushing down the hill. Coldness washed over her. She squeezed her eyes shut, hoping tears would not leak out. She squashed a memory of her high school guidance counselor frowning over her grade report and recommending she consider other careers instead of applying to college.

 All those years of hard work. What had it all been for?

 She stared blankly at the woman she had considered a mentor who had singlehandedly derailed

her career ambitions in under thirty seconds.


To purchase Return to Victoria Island, go to:

 Return to Victoria Island (Victoria Island Series Book 2) - Kindle edition by Andover, Karen . Romance Kindle eBooks @


A bit about our focus author:

Karen Andover is an author of romantic suspense, contemporary romance, and science fiction. She loves island life and her goal is to share her happy place with readers one book at a time. She lives in Florida, enjoys spoiling her rescue pup, and can be found at:

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Cupid's Silver Spark by Sadira Stone

 Come to Bangers Tavern for super-steamy rom coms featuring chosen family, diverse characters, creative cocktails, and the best tater tots in Tacoma.

 Wild Women Authors is pleased to offer Cupid’s Silver Spark, a Bangers Tavern Romance, written by Sadira Stone, now available in a box set, as part of our Books In A Series events.

 About the Book: Still stinging from a breakup, Carla Portofino wants nothing to do with Valentine’s Day. When her bestie drags her to Bangers Tavern’s Anti-Valentine’s Bash, Cupid gifts her a swoon worthy silver fox. Maybe a no-strings fling is the remedy for her tattered heart? He seems perfect, until his company makes a grab for her building, tangling them in more string than either can handle.

All Jeremy Franklin wants on Valentine’s Day is to escape the lovey-dovey hype. But his best friend insists on cheering him up with a trip to Bangers Tavern, where Jeremy meets Carla, a woman so tempting he simply must pursue her. Trouble is, his real estate firm has the hots for her building, and he’ll have to fight to save her shop from their greedy grasp.

To keep her business, Carla must dare the hardest hurdle of all—trust the enemy. Will her silver fox prove a predator, or will Cupid’s arrow strike true?


“You ladies looking for a spot? We don’t mind sharing. Right, Jer?”

The other man looked up, and time slowed. The din stilled. The crowd blurred.

“Which one you want?” Shari asked. “Tall, dark, and yummy, or the silver fox?”

Carla’s mouth opened, but no sound emerged.

Squaring her shoulders, Shari strutted forward. “Mighty kind of y’all to offer. My friend here is famished. If we don’t get her some tater tots soon, she just might expire.”

“That would be a damn shame.” The fox’s slow smile simmered with sexy mischief. The silver at his temples proved he was experienced enough to deliver. Smile lines at the corners of his dark eyes deepened as he aimed his intense gaze at Carla.


“Miss Rosie,” he called without breaking the stare. “We’ve got a tot emergency here.”

The blue-haired waitress bopped up to their table. “Tonight’s specials are Love Bites, AKA jalapeno poppers with bacon, or Diego’s famous tots with cheesy artichoke dip and bacon.”

Shari tittered. “Because what cures a broken heart better than bacon?”

The server nodded, her curls bouncing. “It’s a proven fact.”

“Bring us a double order of each,” the fox said. “That is, if you ladies don’t mind sharing.”

Right then, Carla wouldn’t mind sharing all sorts of things with him—her phone number, her bed, her deepest fantasies…

Must be the bourbon talking. She told the waitress, “And an iced tea, please.”

“Bullshit,” Shari interjected. “You’re not spending your hard-won drink coupon on brown water.” She snatched the ticket and dropped it onto the server’s tray. “Darlin’, bring whichever of those cocktail specials you like best.”

Carla opened her mouth to object, but Shari shot her a don’t-mess-with-me glare.

Chuckling, the dark-haired guy introduced himself. “Leo Delgado. And this is Jeremy Franklin.”

“Shari Poulsen. And this is my bestie, Carla Portofino.”

Jeremy. Carla mentally rolled the name over her tongue as they shook hands all around. A friendly name. Down to earth. Kinda sexy, in an approachable way.

“So,” Shari sipped her drink. “What brings you boys here tonight?”

Leo elbowed his friend. “Mr. Grump-ass here was going to spend tonight watching Netflix alone. Figured a party would do him good.”

Carla ignored Shari’s pointed stare and kept her focus on Jeremy. “What were you going to watch?”

He shrugged, but the corners of his mouth ticked upward. “Maybe a disaster movie. Seems suitable for tonight.” He inclined his head toward his friend. “Mr. Party Monster wouldn’t leave me in peace. I figured a few drinks would shut him up.” His smile widened. “Now I’m glad I surrendered.” He scooted a little closer and nudged Carla with his arm. “How about you?”

A flush of warmth spread from the contact, and the room tilted just a tiny bit.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Delicious Heat by Sadira Stone

As part of our Books In A Series events, today Wild Women Authors offers Delicious Heat, a Bangers Tavern Romance written by the multi-talented Sadira Stone,

Come to Bangers Tavern for super-steamy rom coms featuring chosen family, diverse characters, creative cocktails, and the best tater tots in Tacoma, Washington.

Four full-length novels and one novella each deliver a satisfying HEA and an unforgettable holiday bash in the neighborhood bar that feels like home. One night in Bangers, and you’ll want to return again and again!

Today we have: #4 Delicious HeatCupid has lousy timing.

About the Book:  Worst week ever: frazzled nurse Anna catches her husband cheating, kicks him to the curb, then discovers she’s pregnant. A fling with Bangers Tavern’s delectable chef is the last thing she needs, even if his sweet smile reminds her how delicious love can be.

          One look at Anna, and Diego’s heart spins out of control—but pursuing her could send his food truck dreams up in smoke. With Anna’s belligerent ex and both overprotective families hell-bent on separating them, Diego’s only hope is convincing Anna and the whole fam-damily he’s in it for keeps. 


He dipped a spoon in his olive and sun-dried tomato tapenade and held it to her lips. She held his gaze as her soft pink lips closed delicately around the morsel. Then her eyes closed, and her fingers fluttered to the delicate V where her collar bones met. Her soft moan brought his dick to full attention.

Note to self—cook for Anna as often as possible.

A devilish smile bloomed across Anna’s lovely face. “What Olive doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”

“Smart mom.” He slathered her feta-studded burger with tapenade, topped it with a dollop of tzatziki, and filled the rest of the plate with garlic tots.

Watching Anna eat was his new favorite thing. Perched on her stool at the center island, she attacked her dinner with enthusiasm bordering on feral. Each groan of pleasure echoed between his thighs.

She licked tzatziki from her thumb, then glanced up and caught him gawking. “Oh, jeez, I must look like a pig.”

He shook his head. “A pig could never be so pretty.”

Or tempting. Or bewitching. Or fascinating...

She ducked her chin and giggled. “You’re trying to seduce me and Olive with your cooking superpowers, aren’t you?”

“Drat.” He smacked the counter. “You’ve discovered my evil plan.”

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Monday, March 10, 2025

Prickly Poppy by Kara O'Neal

 Wild Women Authors, as part of the ongoing Books In A Series, feature author Kara O’Neal and Prickly Poppy, book 3 in the Wildflowers of Texas series. With Kara today is Kit Kirby, saloon owner, hell raiser and all-around swoon-worthy male. He’ll go first. 

Good morning, Kit, thank you for taking time out of your swoon-worthy schedule to speak with us. Let’s start with where you are from. Galveston, Texas.

Tell us a bit about Prickly Poppy. It’s about me falling head over boots for the prickliest woman in town. She doesn’t think too much of me, ‘cause I own a saloon and enjoy a drink every once in a while. But I sure think a lot of her. I think so much of her, that I go ahead and agree to escort her to Brownwood and protect her from her former fiancé.

What did you think the first time you saw Hazel Rutherford, your prickly poppy? I thought she was hands-down beautiful. And then she called me a conceited hell-trap, and she set my blood racing. Sharpest tongue I’ve ever encountered on a woman.

And your second thought? That I’d best keep out of her way if I had any sense.

Wise idea. Was it love at first sight? For me? Yes. I tried to pretend it hadn’t been, though.

What do you like most about Hazel? She sticks to her guns. Doesn’t let anyone change her. She speaks her mind, says what she means. And she’s brave.

How would you describe her? Well, that’s easy. Just use the flower. Prickly poppy. Pretty and prickly. That’s my Hazel.

How would she describe you? Before she fell in love with me, she’d describe me as reckless, careless, and the one that grabbed my heart, a conceited hell-trap. Now that she’s realized the error of her ways and is devoted to me, I’m her knight in shining armor.

Smart woman. What made you choose owning a saloon for a career? I like giving people a place to unwind, and I especially love good drink. There’s nothing better than fine whiskey.

What is your biggest fear? Losing Hazel.

Kit, how do you relax? I watch the sun set, open a good bottle of whiskey, and put my wife on my knee.

Who is your favorite fictional character? Huck Finn.

Why are we not surprised? What is the best piece of advice you ever received? Came from Hazel’s uncle, the judge. Anything worth doing is worth admitting to.

Thank you for this, Kit. We appreciate it very much. You’re a fun guy. Now, we’d like to chat with Kara.

What movies or books have had an impact on your career as a writer? Probably the most influential is Anne of Green Gables. So many characters to love in those books. And I enjoyed discovering how they changed over time.

Is there an event in your private life that you were able to bring to this story and how do you feel it impacted the novel? Not an event, no. But when I created Kit Kirby, I was thinking of all the smart-talking men I’ve been around all my life. Texas has many. They’re quick. They’re witty. They’re honest. Come prepared.

Tell us a bit about your publisher: how did you hear about them and what influenced your decision to submit to them? I am self-published now. I’d been with three other publishing companies, and I prefer self-publishing because I have so much freedom to do what I wish with my characters and my books.

What book[s] currently rest on your TBR pile? All God’s Dangers: The Life of Nate Shaw

Last, what's up for you next and when can we expect to see it on the shelves? Book 4 in my Wildflower series is next. At the moment, it’s called Sunflowers for John. We’ll see if it lasts. It’s about a man with a very broken heart who carries a secret torch for Millie, a kind-hearted, redhead who’s a little wary of his handsomeness and quiet reserve.

 To purchase Prickly Poppy, go to:

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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Sweet Slow Sizzle by Sadira Stone

Wild Women Authors is pleased to offer a Bangers Tavern Romance, written by Sadira Stone, part of our Books In A Series event.

Come to Bangers Tavern for super-steamy rom coms featuring chosen family, diverse characters, creative cocktails, and the best tater tots in Tacoma, Washington.

Four full-length novels and one novella each deliver a satisfying HEA and an unforgettable holiday bash in the neighborhood bar that feels like home. One night in Bangers, and you’ll want to return again and again!

Today it’s Sweet Slow SizzleLoving him means risking the only family she has left.

About the Book: Bangers bouncer, Jojo, has a fierce crush on sassy server Lana, but she’s laser-focused on keeping her orphaned teen brothers together in the only home they’ve ever known. One more slip-up, and she’ll lose custody of the devastated boys.

          Though Jojo’s antics warm her wounded heart, the last thing Lana needs is a muscly goofball messing with her fragile family. But when the teens’ shenanigans land them in trouble, Jojo may be the only person who can save them.

Come back to Bangers Tavern for a slow burn, sizzling hot, friends to lovers, workplace rom-com that untangles the glorious chaos of 21st century family—the ones we’re born into, and the ones we gather to our hearts.


Lana blinked up at him, then spluttered with laughter. Gorgeous Jojo, the guy who melted panties with one flirty glance, jealous of silver-haired Kenny? Breathless, she rested her forehead on his chest. His solid warmth felt way too good. She should step out of the danger zone. Any minute now.

His hands slid around her to cradle her lower back.

She tilted her head up and planted her chin on his breastbone. “I don’t have a boyfriend, Jojo, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

The corners of his mouth crept up. “You in the market for one?”

The million-dollar question. Part of her, the part she kept a tight lid on, jumped up and down shouting, Yes, yes, yes!

“The thing is, I have to put my family first right now.”

He sighed and rubbed slow circles on her back. “I understand.”

“My brothers have been through so much loss—”

He pressed his soft lips to her forehead. “So have you, sweet cheeks.”

“Ugh.” She wrinkled her nose.

“Don’t like that one either, huh?”

“I’m too snarky to be a sweet cheeks.”

His grin sparkled like starlight. “Give me time. I’ll find a nickname you like.” He toyed with the fine hairs at her nape. “Though your name is beautiful, Lana Pilar Lopez.”

How does he know my middle name? And why is that such a turn-on?

With great reluctance, she planted her palms on his chest and pushed away. “Jojo, I’m sure you could find all kinds of things I like. But right now, keeping an eye on those two inside takes all my focus. I can’t give you what you want.”

His wide, rough palm cupped her jaw, his expression so tender she almost took it all back. “I understand. When you’re ready, I’ll be waiting.”

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A bit about our Books In A Series author:

Award-winning contemporary romance author Sadira Stone spins steamy, smoochy tales set in small businesses—a quirky bookstore, a neighborhood bar, a vintage boutique. Set in the U.S. Pacific Northwest, her stories highlight found family, friendship, and the sizzling chemistry that pulls unlikely partners together. When she emerges from her writing cave in Las Vegas, Nevada (which she seldom does), she can be found shaking her hips in dance class, playing her guitar (badly, but getting better), exploring the Western U.S. with her charming husband, cooking up a storm, and gobbling all the romance books.

For a guaranteed HEA (and no cliffhangers!) visit Sadira at

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