Monday, September 10, 2018

Focus: Young Hawks Flying, Toni V. Sweeney

Wild Women Authors welcomes Toni V. Sweeney and Young Hawks Flying, Book 5 of the Narrative of Riven the Heretic, Part 1 of the Arcanian Chronicles.

. . . .With the death of their parents in the Genocide Wars, the orphaned sons of Riven kan Ingan and his beloved Barbara flee to separate countries to escape the margrave's injustice.
. . . . Eldest son Val rides north to Ghermia, his mother’s country, where he’s taken in by a band of barbarian marauders as ruthless as he. Ilke the Priest and nine-year-old Merigan turn their horses’ south, seeking sanctuary among the tribes in the Assamedean desert.
. . . . Twins Hroric and Shael go to the far eastern kingdom of ChalĂȘit, where their reckless natures enable them to become accomplished thieves.
. . . . All agree to return and help Val avenge their parents, but none believe that will happen. Until then… adventure, danger, death, and love await Riven’s five sons as they grow to adulthood and gain the strength to exact their revenge upon the insane margrave of Francovia.

Hroric and Shael rode east.
Being the first to leave the castle, they were ignorant of the slaughter taking place in the courtyard after Val rode through the gates. They avoided the mountain pass into Ghermia, riding along the border and through the foothills, across the border into ChalĂȘit.
That kingdom was a land in harsh contrast to Francovia. Rocky-soiled and barren, the sloping hills were dark and brown with few trees covering them. To the twins, accustomed to the green leafy forests and deep meadows of Lindenscraig, their new surroundings were a shock.
At the last farmhouse, the goodwife was apologetic that she had no more than a loaf of freshly-baked bread to give the two young men, for she knew it would take more than that to nourish their large, youthful bodies. In return, Shael chopped wood for her. Stacking it neatly against the wall of the farmhouse, he finished the task her husband had begun before returning to the fields.
Afterward, sitting under a stunted dry stick of a tree, with the horses grazing nearby, they finished the last of the bread.
As he swallowed the crust he’d been chewing, Shael rubbed a finger across his palm. The ax handle had raised blisters and though he didn’t complain, he touched the broken skin gingerly. Trying not to wince at the stings it engendered, he bit his lip.
“We’d best get going.” He stood.
“To where?” Rory made no move to follow, looking up at his twin. His voice was sullen as he repeated his question. “Where will we go? Do you think Val and Ilke and Merigan got away?”
“How should I know?” Shael answer was angry as he flung himself back against the tree. “I don’t want to talk about that.”
“Why not?” Rory demanded. “Will ignoring what happened make it right again? Will it bring back our parents or take us back to Lindenscraig?”
Ever since their frantic ride through the mountain pass, Shael refused to say anything about the battle or what followed. Now, by bringing up the subject, Rory realized for the first time in their lives, he and his brother were dangerously close to fighting.
“Val said one day we’ll avenge ourselves, and I believe that,” Shael answered, his voice startlingly quiet after his outburst. He caught his twin by the shoulder, staring into his brother’s amber eyes. “He said we’ll be together again. If there’s a way to survive, Val will find it.” He looked away. “One day, we’ll triumph.” He repeated the words as if trying to convince himself, as well as Rory, they were true. “One day.”
He made a dismissing motion with one hand. “We won’t talk of this again, Rory. I’ll see our parents in my dreams and I’ll mourn them but I don’t wish to speak of this ever.”
Nodding in silent agreement, Rory got to his feet, walking to his horse. The animal raised its head, nickering softly. The two goldens had no trouble telling their masters apart. He stood a moment, rubbing the horse’s ears, keeping his head turned away until he was certain he’d conquered his desire to sob.
“Let’s go.” He looked at Shael, who was hastily rubbing a hand across his eyes. “We’ve wasted enough time.”


To learn more about Toni, go to:

Amazon Author’s Page:
Twitter: @ToniVSweeney


  1. This sounds like an adventurous and compelling saga with memorable characters. Lovely excerpt! Best wishes for continued success.

  2. Thanx, Susan. The final entry in the series is expected to be released on September 15.

  3. Enjoyed learning about your series! Sounds like a great one with good conflict. Good luck to you!
