Saturday, November 10, 2018

Wild Women Feature: Legacy of Magic

          Divorced, jobless, and homeless, Cory Bishop moves to Connecticut to begin anew. She gets lost along the way and causes a car accident which does not bode well for the next chapter in her life. However, the reconnection with her great aunt provides her with direction and purpose.
          While solving a mysterious family secret, she is pursued by a charming lawyer and her exasperating neighbor who thinks arguing is a form of foreplay. But those circumstances are the least of her problems.
          Cory soon discovers she is a witch and must learn to control her new-found powers. An ally, a confidant, and a surprise supporter guide her, but she is almost out of time. An immortal evil wants her powers and will stop at nothing to obtain them. When the battle lines are drawn, Cory must choose who is friend and who is enemy. Will love save her or endanger her even more?

Wild Women Authors welcomes Denise Carbo and Cory Bishop of Legacy of Magic a new release out of the Fantasy Rose line, Wild Rose Press. As usual, we'll begin with Cory.
Where are you from? Originally, upstate New York, up until recently New Jersey. Now I live in Connecticut with my great aunt Addy.
Tell us a bit about Legacy of Magic. It’s about my journey after divorcing my cheating husband, getting let go from my job, and moving out of New Jersey. You’ll learn how I found out I’m a witch and the legacy left behind by my ancestor. A few rather intimate details of my relationship with Finn. Oh yeah, and how there’s an immortal evil that has been after my family for centuries. Good times.
Since we read the book, we agree on the “good times”. Tell us what you thought the the first time you saw Finnegan O’Dorsey. Considering he had just run me off the road, my thoughts were full of expletives and rather unkind adjectives.
Works for us. And your second thought? He’s a handsome, blue eyed devil.
Was it love at first sight? Definitely not!
What do you like most about Finn? I know I can trust him with my life, and have, in fact.
How would you describe him? Tall dark and handsome
Also works for us. How would Finn describe you? Depending on his mood and mine? He calls me Princess or Red. He’s used some other phrases that I’m certainly not going to repeat.
Not that we'd mind in the least since they are likely some of our favorite words, but what made you choose working at a garden center for a career? I think it chose me. I’m a witch who derives her power from the Earth. Plants are my magic.
Very cool. Coming from those with black thumbs, what is your biggest fear?
That those I love will be harmed because of who and what I am.
How do you relax? Gardening, of course.
Well, duh. Who is your favorite fictional character? How about Samantha in Bewitched? Rather telling I loved watching the reruns of the show when I was a kid.
What is the best piece of advice you ever received? My friend Melanie once told me not to be afraid of making a mistake, that some of the most interesting and amazing things in life are a result of a mistake, like penicillin.
This has been a lot of fun, Cory. Thanks. Now we'd like to chat with Denise.

What movies or books have had an impact on your career as a writer? I love Nora Roberts (who doesn’t?), Sherrilyn Kenyon, Karen Robards, and so many more. As for movies, I share my kids’ appreciation for superhero and sci/fi movies which probably makes sense for my penchant for the paranormal and fantasy.
What event in your private life were you able to bring to this story and how do you feel it impacted the novel? I lost my father six years ago and understand how the loss of a parent can impact our lives in so many ways for years to come. There’s a scene in “Legacy of Magic” which touches on this.
Tell us a bit about your publisher: how did you hear about them and what influenced your decision to submit to them? I heard about The Wild Rose Press from Romance Writers of America. I did a lot of research and found only positive things. I’ve been very happy with them.
What book[s] currently rest on your TBR pile? “Stygian” by Sherrilyn Kenyon
“Shadow and Ice” by Gena Showalter.
Lastly, what's up next and when can we expect to see it on the shelves? I just signed a contract for “Scent of Betrayal,” the sequel to my first book, Bloodlines. It should be released next year.

Here's an excerpt from Legacy of Magic:
     His normal blue jeans were replaced with black. The customarily tight T-shirt was now a blue, button down shirt opened at the throat. Damn, it matched his eyes.
     Eyes that were making a very slow, thorough, perusal of her before meeting her gaze. "Must admit, I thought you might stand me up."
     Now why hadn't that occurred to her?
     "The thought never crossed my mind. I follow through when I say I'm going to do something. Although, technically I don't think I actually accepted your invitation."
     "Sure, you did. You said 6:15. That implied acceptance."
     Cory rolled her eyes. "We both know if Aunt Addy hadn't been there, I would've said no very clearly."
     "Maybe, but then we'd both be left wondering what the two of us together might be like. Personally, I prefer a more direct approach."
     Her foot began to tap. "Oh really? Maneuvering me into a date is direct? And for the record, I wouldn't be wondering about anything. You and I are not going to get together." Her hand waved back and forth between them. "We can't even be in the same room for a few minutes without arguing."
     Finn laughed. "This isn't arguing."
     "Oh really, what would you call it?"
     He leaned towards her and whispered, "Foreplay."

To learn more about Denise Carbo, go to:

To purchase Legacy of Magic, go to:

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