Monday, February 28, 2022

Wylder Bride by Amey Zeigler

          Maisie Brinley rejected every bachelor in the Boston elite put forth by her social-climbing mother. Then Mother issues an ultimatum to marry a family friend—but he's twice Maisie's age. After corresponding with a stranger whose letters connect with her heart, Maisie crosses the continent for his love. When they meet, will he live up to her expectations, or will her escape be in vain?

Living in Wylder, Wyoming Territory—where men outnumber women ten to one—gunsmith Cyrus Haddock hides his disfigured face to avoid romantic rejection. Out of pity, he helps a friend woo a woman through letter writing. But his success backfires when Cyrus falls in love with the Easterner's words. When they meet, will Cyrus hide his feelings or confess his love?

 Wild Women Authors is pleased to feature author Amey Zeigler and Wylder Bride, one of the latest editions in the Wylder West series out of the Wild Rose Press. With Amey is gunsmith Cyrus Haddock who will go first.

Good morning, Cyrus, thanks for taking time out of your day to speak with us. Let’s start with where you’re from. A small town in Pennsylvania. I moved to Wyoming after the War. My face was so scarred, I was sure no woman on earth would have me.

What did you think the first time you saw Maisie Brinley? She was an angel clad in purple. I knew it was here as soon as I clapped eyes on her. Her smile brought shivers to my toes.

That’s lovely. What was your second thought? Oh crap, she’s engaged to my best friend Captain Christopher Peele.

Was it love at first sight? I know it was on my end. For her, I’d like to think it was. Some part of me hoped she’d see me in those letters I wrote on behalf of Christopher.

What do you like most about Maisie? She is no ordinary woman. Her words are like manna to my soul. Her thirst for life lifts me from my darkest days.

How would you describe her? She’s a little unprepared to live out West. Her upbringing in an upper-class Boston family didn’t give her the skills to homestead, but I love her sweet innocence.

How would she describe you? Hah! That’s a good question. She would see my heart first, not the horrible scar lancing across my face. She would see that I care for her no matter what and that I would do anything to keep her by my side.

What made you choose to become a gunsmith? I love the contemplative work that goes into crafting beautiful heirloom pieces. My guns isn’t just firearms, they are works of art.

How do you relax? I like to block the world out with the banging of the hammer on an anvil. I like to lose myself in the rhythm of the movements: holding the steel in the heart of the forge, then waiting until it glows purple, squelching it in the slack bucket with a hiss. I lose myself in creation.

Who is your favorite fictional character? I love Shakespeare. I love the wise who are considered as fools.

What is the best piece of advice you ever received? Plant in the spring if you want to harvest in the fall. In other words, you reap what you sow--so sow carefully.

Cyrus, not only are you a gunsmith, you are a wordsmith, and we thank you for your time. Now, we’d like to chat with Amey.

What movies or books have had an impact on your career as a writer? I loved the classics. I read Cyrano de Bergerac in high school or so and I always wanted to give him a happy ending.

What event in your private life were you able to bring to this story and how do you feel it impacted the novel? My father is an avid shooter. I grew up with guns in my house. I respect them. I actually called my father’s gunsmith and talked for about an hour about what he loves about his career, the mechanics of a gun and how to create one.

I am also intrigued by stories of unrequited love. I felt a close kinship with Cyrus. I knew his pain to love but never be loved. Thankfully, my husband rescued me from that, hahah!

Tell us a bit about your publisher. How did you hear about them and what influenced your decision to submit to them? Before I was published, I went to a conference in Seattle. I was talking to someone there who recommended I find a small press for my work. I had never considered a small press. So I looked up a list of small presses and read each one of them in alphabetical order and what they wanted and how to submit etc. I was really impressed by The Wild Rose Press--which was last on the list. They were the only ones I submitted to and I got accepted.

What book[s] currently rest on your TBR pile? Hahah! A whole stack. What I’m currently reading is Bone Crier’s Moon by Kathryn Purdie.

Lastly, what's up next and when can we expect to see it on the shelves? After Wylder Bride from TWRP, I have a trio of clean billionaire books planned for self-publishing, as well a standalone called Late Bloomer about a girl who is trying to NOT be a hick from the sticks. Then I have Certainly Will Die, my second romantic suspense, from TWRP.

 To purchase Wylder Bride, go to:

 To learn more about Amey Zeigler and the stories she creates, go to: