Monday, June 26, 2023

Outcast Artist in Bretagne

 Wild Women Authors features author Diane Scott Lewis and Outcast Artist in Bretagne, a novel of heartbreak and love during World War II. With Diane is artist, Norah Cooper, who will go first.

Welcome, Norah. Tell us a bit about Outcast Artist in Bretagne. I fled England, having no idea the Germans would invade France a month later. I had to shield in Brittany with my cousin. To hide my shame. An unwanted pregnancy, a stillborn child. So much to consider. And now I’m trapped here.

What made you choose painting for a career? I’ve always loved to draw and paint. I’ve been sketching the unusual seabirds here in Brittany. Of course, until the Commandant caught me and ordered me away from the shore.

Knowing what you know now, if you had it to do over again, would you stick with your artwork or do something different? I could never give up painting. It also brought me an unusual request. To draw the Commandant. I found out August von Gottlieb is not the man I thought he was. He hates this war as much as I do.

What is your biggest fear? That August and I will be separated by the war. That we won’t be able to travel to Switzerland, safe from scrutiny. And that he’ll face a firing squad if caught doing what he proposes to do. I, too, could be arrested for helping the Resistance.

What is the best piece of advice you ever received? I’m obviously terrible at following advice. I was told not to come to France. To stay away from the Commandant. But he gave me the best advice. To believe in our love. To persevere.

Do you think you’ll have a happy ending? With threats all around, the war expanding across Europe, it won’t be easy. We’ve made plans, but anything could go wrong.

Thank you, Norah. We hope you and August will find your happy ever after. Now, we’d like to speak with Diane.

Which writer or character[s], from either books or movies, [or both] have had a major impact on your writing? I like the authors Geraldine Brooks and Sarah Waters. They both write beautiful, evocative prose. Lovely descriptions that pull you in. Sharp characterizations. I strive to write like them.

With regard to research, where did you start for this novel? Did that lead you down different paths, thereby changing the original concept? Actually, I found the characters leading me to what they wanted; where I intended for them to go. So it worked out. Then I wrapped the facts of the war around their activities, dangers, threats, deprivation. What restrictions and realities would make sense in France in 1941. I want it to feel authentic.

Tell us a bit about your publisher. How did you hear about them; what influenced you to submit to them?  My publisher started out as a small press in Canada. To submit was by invitation only. I had a good friend who invited me to submit. Now BWL publishing, inc. has grown to a mid-size press with several authors. Turn-around has gotten longer because of the growth, usually a year.

What are you reading right now? ‘The Paying Guests’, by Sarah Waters.

What's next for you? Lots of promotion for ‘Outcast Artist in Bretagne’. I’m also working on a young adult, haunted house, novel with my oldest granddaughter. Lots of fun.

To learn more about Diane Scott Lewis and the stories she creates go to:




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To purchase Outcast Artist in Bretagne, go to:

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  1. Love the interview. It sounds like an amazing story!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great interviews, all you ladies! Best of luck with this book, Diane, and what fun! To be writing something with your granddaughter. Wishing you all the luck for both. (P. S. I had to delete the above comment because of bad typing. Sorry :( )
