Sunday, March 2, 2025

The Birthright of Ezekiel Wilson

 Today, Wild Women Authors focus on The Birthright of Ezekial Wilson, a Western historical romance, written by Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy and released by World Castle Publishing, LLC.

About the Book: At twenty-one, Ezekiel Wilson is a man, grown up after hightailing it to Texas at the age of fifteen. He’s a valuable ranch hand, is prone to fisticuffs and brawling, although he doesn’t drink hard liquor. He has a fondness for saloon girls—until he meets a feisty Irish girl, Katie O’Neill, the sister of a cowboy he hires during a cattle drive. Katie is a healer, and although she lives with her aunt, who keeps a boarding house in Laredo, she soon comes to the ranch.

Before Zeke is able to properly court her, he suffers serious injuries and must be nursed back to health. Youngest of the five Wilson brothers, Ezekiel longs to become a family man, although he misses his mother and brother back in Kentucky. When the Wilsons become owners of the Double Deuce Ranch, Zeke realizes his family and the love they share are his birthright. With Katie at his side, he decides he can face anything.

An Excerpt:  

          The rain soaked him before he'd gone a few feet, and he struggled to see through the downpour. He could hear the heavy hooves pounding the ground and turned toward the sound. Once they caught up to part of the herd, Deke sent them in four directions to circle the animals. They rode hard and fast, firing pistols and shouting to get the frenzied animals turned back. North Star, who often had led the herd on the trail, was among those running. Ezekiel headed to locate him. If he could turn him around, then North Star might well lead at least some of the herd back to the ranch.

          They had to get them before they plunged into any gullies or some of the valuable animals would die. It was dangerous work in the storm. Lighting had already spooked the longhorns, and the thunder kept them agitated. Heavy rain had turned the ground into slippery mud, and it was too easy for a horse to lose footing. It would have been hard work if Ezekiel had been at full strength but recovering from his injuries, it was a tough battle. Cowboys often died chasing rampaging beasts, and he knew it well. Their chances would have been far better if Boone and the rest had been on hand to assist, but they weren't.

 To purchase The Birthright of Ezekiel Wilson, go to:



A bit about our focus author:  From an early age, Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy scribbled stories, inspired by the books she read, the family tales she heard, and even the conversations she overheard at the beauty shop where her grandmother had a weekly standing appointment. She was the little girl who sat at the feet of the elders and listened.

     As an author, she has published more than sixty novels and novellas written as both Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy and as Patrice Wayne for historical fiction. She is also the author of a new Faery Folk series from Evernight Publishing writing as Liathán O'Murchadha. Her books are found in many places, online and in brick-and-mortar stores including some in both Ireland and Australia.  Her current publishers include The Wild Rose Press, World Castle Publishing, Evernight Publishing, and Champagne Books.

     She spent her early career in broadcast radio, interviewing everyone from politicians to major league baseball players and writing ad copy.  In those radio years she began to write short stories and articles, some of which found publication. In 1994 she married Roy Murphy and they had three children, all now grown-up. Lee Ann spent years in the newspaper field as both a journalist and editor and was widowed in 2019.

     She teaches 7th and 8th graders each Sunday at church.

     In late 2020, she hung up her editor’s hat to return to writing fiction. A native of St. Joseph, Missouri, she lives and works in the rugged, mysterious, and beautiful Missouri Ozarks.

To learn more about Lee Ann, go to:







World Castle author page:

Evernight author page: