Thursday, August 12, 2021

An Unexpected Wife by Susan Payne

 Wild Women Authors is pleased to feature Susan Payne and Lorelei Sanders from Susan’s latest release, An Unexpected Wife, published by the Wild Rose Press. As usual, Lorelei will go first.

 Good morning, Lorelei. Tell us where you’re from. I was born in Ohio and travelled to Nebraska to get my first job as librarian to the town of Whitewater Rapids where I make my home now.

Tell us a bit about An Unexpected Wife.  As I said, I was in Nebraska to start my employment with the city in their very lovely library when the whole thing went up in smoke. The library, I mean. The town’s men tried to save it, but it was a complete loss.  I was stranded on the street and couldn’t find a way to remain in town and didn’t have the funds to leave. The mayor felt just awful, but what could he do?  There wasn’t any reason to keep me on. He did have one idea…

What did you think the first time you saw Luke Foster, your “unexpected husband”?  Well, I was in shock after watching the fire take down the library and realizing that my chance to manage my first library was gone along with all my plans. He was covered with soot and ash and looked like he’d been sliding down a chimney.

What was your second thought? That he was attractive and nice.  I was crying for all that I thought I’d lost and then he was there offering me help. Somehow, he made me feel better by simply talking to him.

Did you feel it was love at first sight? Certainly not love but I realized that he could be someone special. I may have felt desperate, but I knew I could trust him.

What do you like most about him? The way he cares so much about his family.  How hard he works to make the ranch a success and give his brothers a place to feel at home. His love for his parents is still so strong.  Of course. I know that caring turned to love with me and I thank the day we met.  I could have wasted my life in a library surrounded by books instead of the loving family I have.

How would you describe Luke? Physically, he’s tall and slender. More of a whipcord strength.  You need to be to work a cattle and horse ranch full time. Blond hair with the bluest eyes.  Reminds me of the Nebraska sky in summer.  And protective – too protective to my way of thinking.

How would he describe you? Probably as the most unexpected thing he’d ever done in his life. I think I’ve surprised him more than once turning into a mother bear to fight for one of the younger boys. I think he sees me as proper and refined, but I have grit, too. I’ll fight for anyone who has been put in a poor position through no fault of their own.

What made you choose to become a librarian? My mother died when I was an infant which left only my father to care for me.  He worked in the university library and took me with him.  All the ladies in the department would take turns with me.  When I got old enough to walk, I was allowed to ‘help’.  They all taught me to love books and to treat them tenderly.  Watching so many books burn in that fire tore at my heart in more ways than one.

What is your biggest fear? That Luke or one of the boys will get hurt.  Or something could tear the family apart. Something I hadn’t realized was happening.

How do you relax? I take time to read at the end of each day.  Sometimes to the boys and other times for my own pleasure.  I order some favorites when I have the extra cash or read one of the several books, I brought with me.  

Who is your favorite fictional character? Probably Kate in Shakespeare’s play, The Taming of the Shrew.  I think she put up a wall to hide behind but fought for those she loved.  I’d like to think I’m a little like that.  Passionate about those I care about.

What is the best piece of advice you ever received? To make the best of what you have been given. It may not have been what you planned, but higher forces sometimes intercede when we least know what to do for ourselves.

Lorelei, thank you for taking time out of your day to speak with us. Now we’d like to chat with Susan.  

What movies or books have had an impact on your career as a writer? So many since I read everything, I could lay my hands on since I was eight years old.  Many of them were above my comprehension level but I remember them.  Pearl S Buck was one author I remember clearly.

What event in your private life were you able to bring to this story and how do you feel it impacted the novel?  My family is fairly large and noisy and busy which means someone has to be the mast they can depend on to be there when they need a steadfast point.  I feel Luke was that and then Lorelei. She could see what the brothers were too close to see and keep them from fighting.     

Tell us a bit about your publisher. I found The Wild Rose Press through a friend I made on line.  She had a book under contract and I thought to query a few of mine to see if they had an interest. As I studied their web site, I found they would help self-publishers on an ala carte basis which is what I did. I found them very helpful going through the process and allowed me to get my stories to the public in a relatively short time.

What book[s] currently rest on your TBR pile? So many right now – mostly historical romance.  I love anything by Gina Conkle – her stories are so riveting and passionate.  I only read thirty to fifty books a year now that I’m publishing.  I still write a novel a month so most of my time goes there.

Lastly, what's up next and when can we expect to see it on the shelves? I have one more book to be released in September, 2021. In From the Cold is about Luke’s brother, Matthew, in Alaska.  I have a short contemporary beach-read and plan to release a few of my London Regency novels in the next few months.

You can keep up with my books by checking my web site or send me questions at –