Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Steam Tinker by Laura Strickland

 He can repair anything…except her heart

 Wild Women Authors welcomes author Laura Strickland and Steam Tinker, Book 8 in her Buffalo Steampunk Adventures. Up first is Mordred, a steam-powered automaton.

Tell us a bit about Steam Tinker: a Buffalo Steampunk Adventure. This is the story of my master and employer, Lionel Pike, who is the greatest maker and restorer of Steam Units in the city of Buffalo. He operates a shop salvaging, rebuilding and creating steam-powered automatons. As one of those rebuilt automatons, I am proud and honored to work alongside him._

How did it come about that you became Lionel’s assistant? Most automatons in our city do not have a choice of what tasks they perform. Those tasks are invariably assigned by those for whom they work, or those who own them. Being mechanicals, my kind are usually given the very worst of jobs, those that are heavy, dirty, or highly dangerous and unpleasant. Those that humans do not wish to perform.

          After Master Lionel rebuilt me from a heap of scrap left out at the curb, I remained in his workshop. Being a very old unit with a persistent squeak in one wheel—Master Lionel has not been able to chase that squeak no matter how he has tried—I was not considered readily resaleable. Remaining in the workshop, I picked up knowledge from watching Master Lionel work, and became what he likes to call a Competent Assistant.

Knowing what you know now, if you had it to do over again, would you stick with being a steam tinker’s assistant or do something different? I would absolutely remain Master Lionel’s assistant. I consider it a great and almost sacred vocation. And over the years I have been with him, we have done so much good work. You see, I am not the only steam unit Master Lionel has reclaimed from scrap. It is the old units that fascinate him. Those that have served their masters and their families unfailingly for years without reward until—well, until they do fail at last. Then, repairs being so difficult and costly, we are often put out for pickup by the scrap dealers and replaced with newer units.

What is your biggest fear? Shut down. It is the greatest fear of myself and every other steam unit in the city of Buffalo. Do you not see? That is why Lionel Pike is a hero. He sees value in us that others do not see. Why, is he not even now rebuilding a unit for Miss Sophia Gregory, one called Verna, that Miss Gregory considers her best friend? And is he not engaged in building a gladiator unit from all reclaimed parts, to enter in the upcoming automaton fight club contest?

Who is your favorite fictional character and why? I am sorry, interviewer. What is a fictional character? Is it anything like the mechanical intelligence that has been implanted in me?

What is the best piece of advice you ever received? Always keep your water topped up and never, never run out of coal.

Excellent advice, Mordred. Thank you. Now we would like to speak with Laura, your creator.

Which writer or character[s], from either books or movies, [or both] have had a major impact on your writing? Oh my goodness, such a question! There are far too many influences to name. I think every character I’ve ever read has influenced me in small ways. I believe we, as humans (and perhaps as automatons) are made up of all our experiences. Everything we see, hear, and encounter changes and adds to us. For me, that includes my reading from an early age.

With regard to research, where did you start for this novel? Did that lead you down different paths, thereby changing the original concept? Since this is book number eight in my Buffalo Steampunk Adventures Series, it sprang very much from the research I’d done for the previous stories. There was a lot of meticulous research necessary for this project from its inception, from studying maps of Victorian Buffalo, New York, to finding out what businesses were in the city at that time. Though this is very much a made-up world in a Buffalo that never really existed, it has real bones and I wanted to get that right.

Tell us a bit about your publisher. I have been publishing with The Wild Rose Press for over ten years and feel fortunate to have found them. They have given me the very great gift of allowing me to follow my muse which, quite obviously, sometimes leads me in some strange directions. I’ve written everything from Historical Romance to Rom Com for them and I’m grateful they’ve hung in there with me. For new writers, they often have submission calls for series that are ongoing. It’s a great way to break into print. The turn-around process from submission to publication, for me, is generally about one year.

What are you reading right now? I am currently reading The Emerald Fairy and the Dragon Knight by Jennifer Ivy Walker.

What's next for you? As usual, I’m busy working on several things at the same time! There’s another Buffalo Steampunk Adventure coming down the pipeline. My next release will be a novella for The Wild Rose Press’s Jelly Beans and Spring Things series, called White Hares and Midnight Dares.

 To learn more about Laura Strickland and the stories she creates go to:  and …


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Twitter: Laura Strickland Author @LauraSt05038951


 For the Book Trailer for the Buffalo Steampunk Adventure series:


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