Friday, May 12, 2023

The Light at Corriveau Crossing

 Wild Women Authors is pleased to feature Amber Cross and The Light at Corriveau Crossing, a contemporary romance set in the north woods of Maine. With Amber is Levi Turner, a wildlife conservation officer, who will go first. 

 Welcome, Levi. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to speak with us. Let’s start with where you’re from. A remote patch of unincorporated territory in Aroostook County, Maine, called Greylock Plantation.

Tell us a bit about The Light at Corriveau Crossing. I ran from The County thirteen years ago and wouldn’t be back now if my father hadn’t had hip replacement surgery, but my sister Savannah promised her son Jake a week at the ocean and I’d do just about anything for my nephew. That means making a left turn beneath the light at Corriveau Crossing when everything inside of me screams to drive on through. That means taking care of my laconic parent for a week; maybe two; three at the most. I just have to keep myself busy until I can escape again.

What did you think the first time you saw Carissa Michaud? She was a pain in the butt. She followed us everywhere we went-me, my sister Savannah, and my girlfriend Julie-and she never shut her mouth. We called her little miss tagalong, or Pudge, and we did our best to ditch her whenever we could. She was terrified of heights so we would hang out at the top of the waterfall or climb the apple tree to get away from her. It didn’t matter. She’d just sit and wait for us to come down. The girl was like a fly on sticky tape.

What was your second thought?  She might have slimmed down and grown up, but she’s still a pain in the butt. I’m not even home for twenty four hours and she’s already throwing down on me and getting all up in my business about staying away. Who does she think she is?

Was it love at first sight? No way.

What do you like most about her? She never gives up. I’ve never known anyone who fights for what she thinks is right, or for the people she cares about, like Carissa does.

How would you describe her? Incorrigible. Thoughtful. Nosy. Caring.

How would she describe you? Terse. Stubborn. Strong.

What made you choose Wildlife Conservation Officer for a career? I grew up traipsing through the North Woods with my father and grandfather, hunting, fishing, camping, and canoeing. I’m not much of a talker, so being alone in the woods has always been my kind of company. After leaving the Marine Corps, it just made sense to merge my military police experience with my love of nature.

What is your biggest fear? Being trapped in Greylock Plantation forever.

How do you relax? Through physical activity.

Who is your favorite fictional character? Sam Gribley from My Side of the Mountain. He’s a boy who runs away from the city and lives with a falcon in the Catskills.

What is the best piece of advice you ever received? “Don’t kill your conscience. She means well.”

Thank you, Levi. Talking with you has been an…experience. Now we’d like to spend some time with Amber.

What authors influenced your writing? I love Linda Howard romance novels, Nevada Barr and Dana Stabenow mysteries, and K.A. Tucker’s Wild series.

Is there an event in your private life that you were able to bring to this story and how do you feel it impacted the novel? One of my children spent five years in a wheelchair; Carissa’s mother broke her back and is in a wheelchair. It’s important to me to tell stories about people who “just happen to be….” (fill in the blank) without the people or their story being defined by whatever that unique characteristic is.

What book[s] currently rest on your TBR pile? The rest of Neva Altaj’s Perfectly Imperfect mafia romances, A Time to Bloom by Lauraine Snelling, and Firestorm: A Garrett Kohl Novel, by Taylor Moore.

Lastly, what's up next and when can we expect to see it on the shelves? The Light at Corriveau Crossing is the first in a series. I hope to have the second book, featuring Levi’s friend Caleb, out in 2024.

To learn more about Amber Cross and the stories she creates, go to:


To purchase The Light at Corriveau Crossing, go to:




1 comment:

  1. Great interview! I also loved "My Side of the Mountain." Amber Cross sounds like my kind of person!
